January 2022

Fasting for blood work: what blood tests require fasting?

If you have been prescribed some blood work, you may be wondering whether you need to fast or not before having your blood drawn. Commonly prescribed blood tests that require fasting are the blood glucose test (blood sugar), the lipid panel (triglycerides and cholesterol) and the metabolic panel. In general, your healthcare provider should instruct […]

Fasting for blood work: what blood tests require fasting? Read More »

fasting for blood test

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with differential Test: normal range and interpretation

The complete blood count (CBC) is the most commonly prescribed blood test and is used to assess overall health and to diagnose or screen for a wide range of diseases and conditions, including infections, anemia, and blood cancers (leukemia, myeloma, and lymphoma). A CBC is sometimes also called Full Blood Count / Panel or Blood

Complete Blood Count (CBC) with differential Test: normal range and interpretation Read More »