Cosmetic Surgery

Diastasis recti: can you fix abdominal separation?

Diastasis recti, also called abdominal diastasis or abdominal separation, is a condition where the rectus abdominis muscle aka the sixpack is visibly and abnormally separated along the linea alba, which is the midline of the abdomen made of connective tissue, causing the abdominal contents to protrude. Rectus abdominis diastasis is commonly seen in pregnant women, […]

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Aegyo sal surgery: cute Korean puffy eyes (애교살)

Aegyo sal refers to a popular cosmetic surgery procedure performed in South Korea. This has become a trending aesthetic procedure thanks to K-Pop stars and idols in South Korea, but the popularity quickly spread to Thailand, China, Taiwan and Japan where it is commonly performed, as well as to the rest of the world. What

Aegyo sal surgery: cute Korean puffy eyes (애교살) Read More »

aegyo sal cosmetic surgery korean puffy lovely eyes