Health & Medical

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) and their role in aging and age-related disease

Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs) are a family of compounds resulting from a series of non-enzymatic reactions between proteins, lipids, or nucleic acids, and sugars. The initial step, known as glycation, involves the binding of a sugar molecule to an amino group and is reversible. However, as the glycated compound undergoes subsequent reactions, culminating in the […]

Advanced Glycation End Products (AGEs) and their role in aging and age-related disease Read More »

elder eating vegetables to limit Advanced Glycation Endproduct intake through diet

Senescent Cells and SASP in Aging and Longevity Medicine

In the longevity medicine field, one of the spotlights is being cast on cells that reach an important stage in life, specifically, senescent cells. When cells are stressed, depending on the cell, type of stressor and intensity of the stimulus, they can respond by inducing repair processes, inducing cell death, or inducing senescence. These senescent

Senescent Cells and SASP in Aging and Longevity Medicine Read More »

cell releasing molecules in the sourrounding environment