IVF Gender selection for a baby boy in Bangkok, Thailand

Gender selection or sex selection is the process of choosing the sex of a child in order to conceive a baby of the desired gender. Gender selection is achieved with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and pre-genetic diagnosis (PGD) and is a medical procedure which is available in Bangkok, Thailand.

sex gender selection

Why parents want to choose the sex of their child?

Gender selection to control the sex of a baby has been marketed worldwide as family balancing. As the term suggests, it can be done to balance the number of male and female members of a family. Sometimes parents might have two children of the same gender, for example two males, and would conceive another one only if they knew they could have one of the opposed gender or in this example a female.

There are also other socio-economic reasons as well as religious factors for parents to choose the gender of their offspring in which case family balancing is not an appropriate term anymore and gender or sex selection is used instead:

  1. In some cultures, there is a disparity of treatment between male and females and parents wants their child to enjoy the best social and economic positions available in their life.
  2. In other cultures, the male is the one that provides support to the family, therefore a son would guarantee a better outlook on the future of the parents.
  3. In some cultures, a female child constitutes an expense, such as in India with the dowry system, while a male child ensures economic security.
  4. Some parents tragically experienced the loss of one child and may want another child of the same gender.
  5. Some parents simply desperately want to have a male or female child and due to age or economic factors can only afford to conceive once, so they resort to gender selection.

Gender selection is particularly sought after and desired in China and India, but in both countries it is illegal.

Is gender selection legal in Bangkok, Thailand?

Sex selection in Thailand may be legal depending on the case, and many couples from all over the world fly to Bangkok to choose the gender of their child. Thailand also has some of the best medical infrastructures and top trained doctors, reason why it is a popular medical tourism destination with Bangkok known as the world’s medical tourism hub for all medical and surgical specialties.

How much does gender selection cost in Bangkok?

Gender selection is achieved with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).

The cost of these two procedures is about 10,000-18,000 USD on average.

Best clinics for gender selection in Bangkok

For the best clinics offering IVF and gender selection services for a baby boy or baby girl, please send me an email or use the contact form to send me a message. I will get back to you with all the required information to plan your treatment in Bangkok.



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